
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Yesterday, I read at Instapundit this little blurb regarding the bombing of the Shi'ite mosque in Iraq:
If Danish cartoons could create riots worldwide against the defamers of Islam, you'd think that bombing of mosques would create anti-terrorist marches all over.

That could have been meant to be taken as a hope, but it sounded more like an accusation to me, and after all of a few hours of waiting for those protests to materialize.

Less than 24 hours later, same blog:
Shia riots spread beyond Iraq. The Zarqawi strategy seems to be backfiring.

I'd give Instapundit the benefit of the doubt on the first post, except in the ssecond post he had a choice: is marching in the streets of India, Pakistan, and Lebanon "Shia riots", or is it "protests". Since the linked to story didn't mention any deaths or looting (there were burning tires, but no burning buildings), I'd have gone with "protests" myself. Does Anne Coulter have a sympathetic soul in Glenn Reynolds?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yesterday was the State of the Union Address. Here are some random thoughts in Larry King style:

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