
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Got this from Nealenews, the Canadian Drudge Report:

It's a story in The Globe and Mail about a controversy about the Gideon's distributing free Bibles to fifth graders in a Britich Columbia school district. Apparently other school districts have already discontinued the practice. The story mentions U.S. school districts also decline to participate in the face of ACLU lawsuits.

The part that got me was this: to get a Bible, you need a signed permission slip from you parent.

What do you suppose you need to get a condom, or help getting an abortion.

Maybe I should do my research first, but the absurdity of what is allowed and disallowed was driven home by the opening quote:

"I thought schools were neutral zones. I thought schools were secular, and organized religions didn't have a place in public schools."

Yep. Neutral zones. If you teach only what I believe, you are neutral.

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